
We implement a child centered educational approach and progressive learning methodologies. With children’s inquiry at the center, we engage our students in learning experiences that inspire curiosity, interest and excitement. We engage all 5 senses and encourage students to be active participants in all of our learning activities.

Learning activities range from exposure to new and interesting materials to large scale celebrations and productions. For instance, during our Perashat Noah unit students spend time learning about animals, the water cycle, and interpersonal relationships. After visiting the zoo, participating in science experiments and interactive retellings of the story, children attend a school wide sing-a-long dressed in rain gear and armed with their favorite stuffed animals. They imagine they are on a boat, with the props and scenery to support this dramatic play. When children participate in play-based learning they develop new ways of thinking and commit their knowledge to long term memory.

Our curriculum integrates the history, culture, and traditions of Sephardic Judaism with a broad spectrum of educational subjects such as science, math, social studies, literacy, and the arts. Using this multi-disciplinary lens, children explore concepts in their environments and learn to appreciate the wonders of Hashem’s (G-d’s) creations. In every study, children learn using a variety of approaches including inquiry, hands-on exploration, observation, artistic/literary creation and presentation of the study culmination.

Children participate in weekly specialities such as yoga and movement and continue their learning through special events and local field trips.